our shopping portal is encrypted and secure.
we accept major credit cards via paypal.

shipping methods
july supply orders ship via USPS First Class Mail
or USPS Priority Mail, depending on weight.

order fulfillment
july supply shop items are in stock and ship
within 2 business days.
Because we are in the mountains, occasionally
weather delays do happen.

rush shipping
if you need kits overnight or next day delivery, we ship FedEx. Please email july supply for additional shipping costs. A paypal invoice for the rush shipping will be emailed to you. Upon payment, the package ships.

custom kits

have a favorite gemstone or a new kit duo combo?
please contact july supply for a bespoke kit.

bulk kits
need a lot of kits for a crafternoon, a birthday shindig,
or an elightened event? please contact july supply
with details for pricing and timeline.

wholesale kits

please contact july supply for wholesale ordering information.

make it - wrap it - wear it - share it - shine on!
© 2013 july supply co